Need help?
07721 300489
Safeguarding Manager:
Sarah Willis
07791 120829
Safeguarding Administrator: Tighe Maxwell-Whitely
07980 830648
Or to report incidents of discrimination, click here:
Report any incidents of hate & discrimination in football to national charity & campaigners, Kick it Out
Report sexism in the game to campaigners Her Game Too.
0808 800 5000
Knowle Football Club endeavour to operate a safe environment at all times, however in case of an emergency everyone at Knowle Football Club should follow the appropriate Emergency Action Plan for the venue they play at. These can be found on Stack Team Ap.
In conjunction with the Football Association, Knowle FC is committed to safeguarding children.
In this context, "child" applies to any person up to the age of 18 years old, including those 16-18 year olds playing in our adult sides.
The Club seeks to create a safe, secure culture enabling all children to participate in a broad spectrum of activities relating to football. All committee members and coaches share in this commitment. They are aware of the Clubs’ safeguarding policies, have regular training and are criminal records checked. You can find our Safeguarding Policy & Procedure at the link below.
Referrals of concerns about recent and non-recent abuse should continue to be made directly via the Child Welfare Officer or directly to The FA’s safeguarding team via and a safeguarding professional from the team will make contact.
The main safeguarding contact at Knowle FC is our Child Welfare Officer, Jim Dowding.
E-Mail: Tel: 07721 300489
Whistle-blowing can be used as an early warning system or when it’s recognised that appropriate actions have not been taken. It is about revealing and raising concerns over misconduct or malpractice within an organisation or within an independent structure associated with it.
Any adult or young person with concerns about a member of Knowle FC can also use whistle-blowing by calling 0800 169 1863 and asking for The FA's safeguarding team, or via email on
Alternatively you can go direct the Police or Children’s Social Care and report your concerns there. There is also the Child Protection in Sport Unit via or lastly, the NSPCC Helpline via 0808 800 5000/emailing
The FA’s RESPECT Programme outlines that a certain standard of organisation and behaviour is expected from everyone in football - whether as a league or club official, player, parent, coach or referee.
RESPECT is all about creating a fun, safe environment. Its core principles are in line with the Safeguarding Children principles and therefore 'RESPECT' is part of the ethos and expectations of all persons linked to Knowle FC.
All members of Knowle FC - players, managers, coaches, parents, guardians, spectators, volunteers - agree to follow the following club policies as part of their membership of the club. Knowle FC have also adopted several of the FA policies and guidelines as best practice. These useful documents can be found below: