Our Position:
When government and FA guidelines allow competitive football to take place, we believe football should continue at the club for the physical fitness, mental health and social wellbeing for all our members, particularly junior players. However, there are a lot of requirements that must be undertaken by us as a club, and for each team within the Knowle FC set up. We urge teams to make sure they are confident they have read, understood and can comply with all the guidelines and the club documentation set out on this page. We also must stress that nobody is under any pressure to return to football if they do not feel able to due to their individual circumstances; Knowle FC would never insist a player or family take part in games or sessions if they do not feel comfortable.
Risk Assessments:
You can download our risk assessments for both adult and junior football using the links above. We ask all club officials, managers, coaches, players and parents of U18 players to make themselves familiar with these assessments and to comply with the requirements laid out within. The appropriate risk assessment will be sent to all visiting teams to Hampton Road and to opposition teams for youth team matches to ensure they also understand our requirements. Without changing the way we do things, it's not possible to return to football, so it's vital the the club get everything in place to comply with the regulations and that everyone adheres to the procedures we have set out. We do understand that the constraints laid out by these assessments place additional responsibility on everyone involved, and so we're very grateful for your co-operation.
Self Assessment Questionnaire
This questionnaire is provided by the FA in their Risk Assessment guidance for clubs. Knowle FC request all participants undertake the self-screen check list before travelling to a training session or other football activity. If they answer ‘positive’ to any one of the symptoms, they should not travel to the game or session and instead follow all applicable Government Guidance (e.g. call NHS 111, isolation, testing). They should also report to their team manager/lead and keep them informed. For U18 players, parents should ensure the checklist is completed for their child. All teams will check and record that the self-assessment has taken place before every activity.
Track & Trace Template - not applicable from July 2021
The FA protocols state that all clubs must keep a centralised record of attendance for all games and training sessions for at 21 days after the event. Managers are responsible for logging attendance at all activities, and this must include parents/guardians, coaches, spectators, officials and any other attendees alongside players. We must record name, contact number and role at club. This document provides a template Knowle FC Managers can use to record these details. Once complete, the sheet should be forwarded to the club's Covid-19 Co-ordinator. We have also installed QR code posters and spectators can choose to "check in" via this method if they prefer.